We’re Live Baby!!!

If you’re here today then you more than likely know about Makeup & Mania and the changes that have been in the works for about 6 months. Well, it may have taken a while but the changes have been made and I’m finally launching Lithium To Lashes.

I started Makeup & Mania without knowing if I was going to want to, or be able to, keep it going. I didn’t even know if it was something I REALLY wanted to do, but I knew I had a lot to say and people liked to hear it. So boom, I did such cursory research to make sure no one else had the name and Makeup & Mania was born. It was a tough road because being consistent is extremely difficult for me because of the unpredictable nature of my illness. I was also slightly overwhelmed with having to learn a ton of new skills I never even attributed to blogging. Photography, coding, writing pitches, creating a content calendar, creating a media kit, etc. However, I figured it all out with help from some amazing friends and the all mighty Google.

Fast forward to fall of 2017 and I started taking stock of how far I’d come. I was invited on podcasts, invited to events as an influencer, featured as a guest poster on other blogs, and make a couple of coins in the process. So to try and avoid any future problems I decided to get right with the government and filed for a trademark. This is where I hit my first roadblock. Thankfully, I hired an attorney to help me through the process and he informed me that my name wasn’t as unique as I thought it was. Come to find out, adding “and” between to words can leave you open to not just have your trademark declined, and money lost, but leave you wide open for legal action. Needless to say, I started brainstorming new blog names.

I toyed with a couple names, but Lithium To Lashes stuck in my mind. It really seemed to capture what my blog is about. Mental health, in particular, my own struggles with a mood disorder commonly treated with lithium and beauty as noted by my love of great lashes. Thus the process to create Lithium To Lashes began. I filed for the trademark, bought the domain, migrated all of my old content to the new site, chose a better website theme, hired a graphic designer to create the logo I pictured in my head, and doing some of the things I should have done with the old blog in terms of setting up a system for better and more frequent engagement with readers. The process was not smooth nor fun. But! I very proud of what I created and the work I’ve put in. My site looks better and I’m much more confident. I even have plans in the near future for offering something special. You’ll have to wait and see what that is though. I don’t want to give you all too much, too soon.

Now here we are. Ready to continue on the same journey, but on a different road. I’m more dedicated than ever to give you the best content that I can create and really get to know you, my readers. I sincerely hope you will stick with me on this adventure because I can’t do it without you.

Last, but not least,

Welcome to Lithium To Lashes!