Tag: self-care

  • I Did It! My Solo Trip to Amsterdam

    I Did It! My Solo Trip to Amsterdam

    For my birthday I planned to do what I thought was impossible. I scheduled a solo trip to Amsterdam. There are a bunch of reasons I never thought this would happen, the biggest being my sometimes crippling anxiety and depression. But, Iโ€™ve made so many changes over the past 2 years I figured anything was…

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  • The First Step Is Always the Hardest

    The First Step Is Always the Hardest

    I was recently a guest on The Classickย Team-Up podcast and we discussed self-care and a common misconception of it being all bubble baths and spa days. I explored that self-care is often painful because doing what you need isn’t always easy or comfortable. Little did I know that the time following recording this podcast I…

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  • Social Media As A Coping Mechanism In Times of Tragedy

    Social Media As A Coping Mechanism In Times of Tragedy

    Social media has steadily become a huge part of our daily lives, for almost all generations of people. Through social media we allow people; friends, family, complete strangers, a look into our worlds and we, in turn, have access to theirs. We come together over our love or disdain of tv shows, movies, pop culture,…

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  • Don’t Knock It Til You Try It

    Don’t Knock It Til You Try It

    The past few weeks have been increasingly stressful for me. I could feel the waves of depression continuously washing over me and then remaining like pools of stagnant water. I reached a point early this week where I knew I wasn’t going to make it much longer in this state, but I just couldn’t afford…

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  • Finding Balance: Major Key Alert

    Finding Balance: Major Key Alert

    After years and years of either overworking myself or not doing enough, I’m realizing just how important finding balance is. This isn’t to say that I have finally found that space, I’m just actively working to get there. I’m expressing my boundaries to peopleย and utilizing the word “no” with others and myself. Not overworking myself…

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