Author: SanityThief

  • Baby Steps Back Into My Normal

    The past few weeks have been tough. Not as tough as the weeks/months leading up to my hospitalization, but hard as hell nonetheless. I have been going for my TMS treatments on a steady schedule again and have tried a short stint on a new medication as well. The TMS has helped a great deal…

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  • Bioderma? What’s That? The Best Damn Makeup Remover I’ve Used

    Bioderma? What’s That? The Best Damn Makeup Remover I’ve Used

    So just as important as having the right makeup products is, so is having the right skincare products. I’m not just talking about acne treatments, cleansers, and moisturizers. You also have to invest in quality makeup removers. I was once on the Neutrogena makeup remover wipes and ย eye makeup remover bandwagon, until I went to…

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  • Post Hospitalization Rundown

    Well folks, I ended up in the psych hospital once again. Le sigh. I wish I could say I didn’t see this coming, but I kind of knew it was inevitable around mid-March. On the upside, I checked myself in before I got to the point of trying to hurt myself. But on the downside,…

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  • Erykah. New Zealand. No! Stop! Shhhh!

    Erykah. New Zealand. No! Stop! Shhhh!

    I have feelings about this topic I’m about to discuss. Lot’s and lot’s of feelings. The topic of discussion today is “why the hell is the onus on women and girls for men to act like decent human beings?!” Be happy I’m too in the zone for caps lock or I would have yell/typed that.…

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  • IMATS NYC 2016: The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

    IMATS NYC 2016: The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

    Saturday April 9 I went to IMATS NYC for the second year. This time I bought my ticket as soon as they went on sale as to not miss out on a Saturday ticket, which happened last year. Technically there isn’t much difference between Saturday and Sunday. However, if you go Sunday there’s a higher…

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