Author: SanityThief

  • There Is Healing That Needs to Happen

    There Is Healing That Needs to Happen

    While on my solo birthday trip to Thailand I had a lot of time to reflect and just process some things. One of those things being an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. While Iโ€™m certainly not devoid of meaningful and fulfilling friendships, there is still a desire for romantic love that is left unfulfilled. I have…

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  • Pre-Travel Anxiety: How I’m Coping

    Pre-Travel Anxiety: How I’m Coping

    I am 3 days away from my solo trip to Phuket, Thailand and my anxiety is at peak “WTF!” I’ve been having nightmares about realizing I forgot something at home as the airplane doors close and I’ve been getting, at max, 5 hours of severely interrupted sleep per night. My chest hurts, my back hurts,…

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  • Review: BH Cosmetic’s It’s My RayeRaye Palette

    Review: BH Cosmetic’s It’s My RayeRaye Palette

    I bought this palette as soon as it dropped. I appreciate one of my fave vloggers collabingย with a brand that is not only affordable but has proven to make good quality products. I swear off buying new palettes every month and every month I break this resolution smh. But I won’t get into my hoarding…

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  • New Year, New Goals

    New Year, New Goals

    Every new year many of us go through a process of figuring out what we want to change and if we are really serious, develop a plan to allow these goals to come to fruition. Last year my main goal was to travel more, and I accomplished that. I went to Amsterdam, Antigua, Jamaica, Montreal,ย …

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  • How Travel Is Saving Me

    How Travel Is Saving Me

    As per usual, I’ve been struggling with my depression. That’s why you haven’t really seen many new posts here, not many convos on Twitter, and definitely not a lot of new Instagram posts. Last night, as I was struggling to sleep, I started to think about what keeps me going, what keeps me struggling through…

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