• Am I Having Midlife Crisis

    Am I Having Midlife Crisis

    Ever since last year I have felt this sense of something. I donโ€™t know if itโ€™s been a sense of impending doom or a sense of being on the horizon of great things. The best way I know to describe this feeling is to say that I feel like a small boat. A small boat…

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  • Another Breakup, Another Blog Post

    Another Breakup, Another Blog Post

    As I pull myself through another romantic breakup, I keep coming back to the same thoughts and questions. Am I holding myself accountable for things I didnโ€™t do? I have been hyper-focused on taking accountability for the happenings in my life because sometimes I am the problem. Iโ€™m very receptive to feedback from others who…

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  • 2 Weeks in Cartagena: What I Learned About Myself

    2 Weeks in Cartagena: What I Learned About Myself

    ย Two weeks in Cartagena taught me just how much my mental illness limits me. So boom, I did my almost annual international birthday trip and decided to really challenge myself this time. After multiple covid infections plus a concussion, I have been worried about cognitive decline and struggling with anything involving memorization and concentration. So…

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  • Committable: A Podcast You Need To Listen To

    Committable: A Podcast You Need To Listen To

    I am back to let you all (all 2 of you lol) know about a podcast I stumbled upon called Committable. A lot of feelings came up for me while listening to it and I needed to share them and also give this podcast its flowers. The host, Jesse Mangan, started the podcast to try…

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  • Trapped


    There’s been a topic I’ve been avoiding thinking about for a very long time, but I feel like I’m in a transitional period in life that makes it impossible not to ruminate over it. I feel trapped in my state. And not like a “being held hostage” type of trapped, but a “surrounded by a…

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